
Alberto Redaelli (POLIMI)

Alberto Redaelli is member of the Bioengineeering PhD board at POLIMI and member of the National Interpolytechnic Biomedical Engineering PhD Board. He is the student exchange coordinator of the Biomedical Engineering track of Politecnico di Milano. He has been the local coordinator of an ITN project (Biomimetic systems) in FP6. In over 20 years of activity he has served as supervisor for 21 doctoral fellows. He has published about 120 papers on peer-reviewed international journals and co-invented 7 international patents transferred to the industry.

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Xiao Yun Xu (IMPERIAL)

Xiao Yun Xu is a Professor of Biofluid Mechanics and Director of Postgraduate Studies in the Department of Chemical Engineering. She has served as a supervisor for 36 PhD students (25 of whom have successfully completed). In 2009, she received the Imperial College Rector’s Award for Excellence in Research Supervision for her exceptional contributions in providing a supportive learning environment for postgraduate research students.

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Frans van de Vosse (TU/e)

Frans van de Vosse coordinates the Cardiovascular Fluid-Dynamics Group. He was the co-founder of the Biomedical Engineering MSc program at TU/e. In the last twenty years he has supervised more than 20 PhDs and was co-author of about 90 papers in peer review journals.

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Patrick Segers (UGENT)

Patrick Segers coordinates the IBiTech-bioMMeda research group and the MSc in Biomedical Engineering program and he is the local coordinator of the Erasmus Mundus MSc in Biomedical Engineering. He has supervised > 10 PhDs and is co-author of over 200 papers in peer reviewed journals.

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Silvia Pascale (SORIN)

Silvia Pascale is the External Funding Senior Project Manager of the Cardiac Surgery BU and she has managed more than 30 granted national and international research and training projects. In over 27 years of activity she has served as supervisor for several people.

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Marcel Breeuwer (PHILIPS)

Marcel Breeuwer is Principal Scientist in the MR Clinical Science group. Furthermore, he is part-time professor at the Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e), Faculty of Biomedical Engineering, and board member of the Dutch Society for Pattern Recognition and Image Processing. He has been the coordinator and leader of work packages in various EU FP and Dutch funded research projects. Over the last 28 years, he has successfully coached over 30 MSc students and - more recently - in his role as professor at TU/e he has coached several PhD students. He is co-author of over 100 scientific publications and co-inventor of over 40 patent applications.

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Roel Wirix-Speetjens (MATERIALISE)

Roel Wirix-Speetjens is a Research Manager in the medical business unit. He holds a MSc and PhD in Electrical Engineering and joined the MATERIALISE group in 2007. He has managed more than 20 funded research projects at national and European level.

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Stefania Adele Riboldi (BEL)

Stefania Adele Riboldi is the coordinator of R&D activities in the field of technologies for Advanced Therapies (scaffolds and bioreactors). She has experience in managing collaborative research programs. She is in charge of keeping BEL's relations with external research institutions and, in this context, she has served as supervisor for 6 master students and 2 doctoral fellows.

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Matthieu De Beule (FEops)

Matthieu De Beule is co-founder and managing director and has supervised 6 doctoral fellows. He counts about 30 papers published in peer-reviewed international journals.

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Marco Stijnen (LIFETEC)

Marco Stijnen holds a PhD degree in biomedical engineering with more than 15 years of experience in biomedical R&D. He is a co-founder of LIFETEC Group and is the Group Manager for the Cardiovascular R&D department where he supervises 6 researchers. He has been previously involved in the FP7 ICT euHeart project where he fulfilled a leading role in an Application Package in which he supervised research on cardiac simulations.

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MUSICA Project Supervisors